Best of the match action pictures gallery as Stags win at Morecambe

Mansfield Town's Neal Bishop celebrates after scoring a goal: Picture by Steve Flynn/, Football: Skybet League 2  match Morecambe -V- Mansfield Town at Globe Arena, Morecambe, Lancashire, England on copyright picture Howard Roe 07973 739229Mansfield Town's Neal Bishop celebrates after scoring a goal: Picture by Steve Flynn/, Football: Skybet League 2  match Morecambe -V- Mansfield Town at Globe Arena, Morecambe, Lancashire, England on copyright picture Howard Roe 07973 739229
Mansfield Town's Neal Bishop celebrates after scoring a goal: Picture by Steve Flynn/, Football: Skybet League 2 match Morecambe -V- Mansfield Town at Globe Arena, Morecambe, Lancashire, England on copyright picture Howard Roe 07973 739229
Mansfield Town were last night celebrating a first away win of the season as they remained unbeaten on the road with a 1-0 victory at Morecambe.

Neal Bishop’s first half goal proved enough to see off the Shrimps as David Flitcroft’s men chalked up a valuable three points.

Here are a selection of the best of the match action photographs from the Globe Arena by Steve Flynn.