Selston community group raises £1,600 for chidren's cancer charity

Selston residents decorate the village Christmas tree after an appeal on the #SelstonTogether Facebook group.Selston residents decorate the village Christmas tree after an appeal on the #SelstonTogether Facebook group.
Selston residents decorate the village Christmas tree after an appeal on the #SelstonTogether Facebook group.
A Group of Ashfield villagers opposed to a referendum on private security firms say the controversy has sparked a greater community spirit in the area.

The #SelstonTogether group, formed on Facebook has raised more than £1600 for a children’s cancer charity and members are setting up a foodbank in the area.

Members say they want to make Selston a ‘better place ‘following recent media coverage they say has ‘slated’ the area.

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The group along with Facebook pages #JacksdaleTogther and #UnderwoodTogether has a combined total of 2,000 members.

Caroline Wilkinson, administrator of #SelstonTogether said: “Selston is a lovely place and so are the people.

“We are outraged that it has been slated in recent weeks . We are not saying the area doesn’t have problems but they are nowhere near as bad as is being made out.”

“However great good has come out of this, and our community has come together, new friendships formed and generally people coming forward and wanting to help Selston become a better place.”

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A food bank has been set up and items are being collected at Selston Church of Christ on Portland Road, Selston and the Co-op store in Selston.

A charity event at Jacksdale Miners Welfare Club raised a total of £1633 for East Midlands Children and Young Person’s Integrated Cancer Service (CYPICS)

Caroline said: “The manager Ydelle Wilbraham gave up the whole building free of charge for this event which was incredible.

“She also donated a prize for the raffle which is a complete party with food which worth £100.”