LETTER: Service cuts too big for point scoring

Mansfield Bus StationMansfield Bus Station
Mansfield Bus Station
Thank you for publishing my recent comments about changes to bus services in the Mansfield and Ashfield area.

I note Mr. Cox’s later remarks, I am grateful to him for pointing out my error over the bus number.

I have, however, no intention at all of entering a political points scoring match with him over this vitally important issue. He is perfectly entitled to express his view, he is not entitled however to distort mine.

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Your readers may wish to compare my original remarks with the representation of them which was later given.

This is an issue which affects the whole community, and to allow it to be overtaken by a particular group, area, political faction or otherwise may only result in some improvement for some people at the cost of the majority. This is one of the reasons it is important for everyone in the community who has been disadvantaged by these changes to represent their views to the decision makers.

How do we do this?

Well of course the Chad is a valuable resource in projecting the community view and needs to hear of the impact of these changes on the lives of ordinary people who are affected by them, as do the decision makers at the local and national levels.

If you have been affected then please do let your Councillors and MP’s know, write to the Prime Minister and leaders of the opposing political groups, and yes sign a petition if you will, my preference of course would be for a petition which represented the view of the whole community.

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It is important as well to keep the issue in the public eye, for by doing so the decision makers will be made aware it will not simply go away, so if you are doing something to help then let people know.

Perhaps you might want to keep a diary for a week or two, noting issues which have become problematical, that would be a powerful illustration of what these cuts actually mean.

Perhaps you could describe how it feels to be left standing at the bus stop because the bus is to small to take all of the people who want to travel? Perhaps you have had to carry heavy bags of shopping for a long distance and are able to let your MP know just what that feels like? Perhaps it is now more difficult to get to work?

It is the real impact of these cuts brought home by real people in a plain and simple way which will help effect change in this situation.

Noel Proud


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