Kirkby Square a step closer

Kirkby Town Square artist impression.Kirkby Town Square artist impression.
Kirkby Town Square artist impression.
Councillors have agreed to enter negotiations with the Government in order to agree a funding contract for the new Kirkby Civic Square.

Ashfield District Council’s cabinet passed the resolution after the plans for the revamped public space were granted European funding subject to conditions in September.

The council applied for £420,534 of European Regional Development Fund cash in order to progress the new square and council officers will now negotiate an agreement with the Department for Communities and Local Government.

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An Ashfield District Council spokesman said: “It is intended that work will begin around the end of March 2014, subject to the negotiation of the ERDF funding.

“So long as there are no significant delays due to unforeseen circumstances, such as weather conditions and contractor availability, it is anticipated that the project will take approximately 16 weeks to complete.”