Drink driver told he is 'at severe risk' of going to prison

NEWS from Nottingham Crown Court.NEWS from Nottingham Crown Court.
NEWS from Nottingham Crown Court.
A 26-year-old Sutton man is 'at severe risk' of going to prison after breaching a suspended sentence for the second time inside a year.

Timothy Wilkinson, of Cowpes Close, appeared at Nottingham Crown Court after being caught drink-driving by police. He was twice over the limit.

The court heard that the offence was committed only 17 weeks after he received a jail term, suspended for ten months, for burglary and theft.

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And this followed a further conviction last July, which came only three months after a previous suspended prison-sentence had been imposed.

“He is clearly at severe risk of the latest suspended sentence being activated,” said Wilkinson’s barrister, Justin Atkinson, mitigating.

“Therefore, I would ask for the case to be adjourned, so that a pre-sentence report can be prepared by the probation service.”

Wilkinson pleads guilty to five charges of driving with excess alcohol, without a licence and without insurance, committing an offence during the period of a suspended sentence and also of failing to turn up at Mansfield Magistrates’ Court for the original hearing into the case.

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Samuel Coe, prosecuting, explained that Wilkinson was driving a Vauxhall Astra van when stopped by police officers at 3.27 am on Saturday, February 13.

“They carried out a check and found that the vehicle had no insurance,” said Mr Coe.

“The officers also smelled alcohol on his breath and carried out a roadside test, which showed 70 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. He was arrested and taken to the police station where a further reading showed 64 microgrammes.” The legal limit is 35.

The judge, Recorder Simon Ward, agreed to the adjournment for a report but warned Wilkinson: “This is no indication that you will receive a non-custodial sentence.”

The defendant was granted unconditional bail until Tuesday, April 19.

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