Victim left with bootprint on his head in vicious stamping attack in Dispatch district

The bruising suffered by the victim in the 'vicious' attackThe bruising suffered by the victim in the 'vicious' attack
The bruising suffered by the victim in the 'vicious' attack
A victim of a vicious robbery in Bulwell was stamped on with such force it left him with footprint-shaped bruising on his head.

The man was cycling to work at a supermarket warehouse in the early hours of the morning when he was followed by two men on an electric scooter.

The pair initially shouted at him and demanded money but things soon took a more sinister turn.

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The victim rode off but as he approached his workplace one of the offenders caught up with him and kicked him off his bike, causing him to land in a bush in Firth Way, Bulwell.

The attacker then punched and kicked him while he was on the floor and stamped on his head before taking his white Challenger mountain bike.

The victim then walked the rest of the way to work before a colleague called for an ambulance.

He suffered bruising to his head and face and a swollen lip during the attack, which happened at around 3am on Tuesday August 24.

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Detective Constable Emma Lamb, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “This was a totally unprovoked and sustained attack on a man who was cycling to work.

"One of the attackers knocked him off his bike and then punched and kicked him and stamped on his head so hard that a footprint was left.

“The victim has been badly shaken by what happened. It’s fortunate he didn’t suffer even more serious injuries.

“We are working hard to trace and identify two men who were riding together on a black E-scooter around the Sellers Wood Drive/Camberley Road area between 2.30am and 3am. One was wearing shorts and a grey jacket.

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“Our enquiries are ongoing including checking CCTV footage in the area.

"We are also appealing for anyone who may have been in the area between these times and who may have recorded CCTV or dash-cam footage to please come forward.

"We also want to hear from anyone who may have seen the victim’s stolen bike.”

Anyone who has any information, however insignificant it may seem, is urged to call Nottinghamshire Police on 101, quoting incident number 51 of 24 August, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.