Mystery of missing cats causes distress in Hucknall

Cosmo, the distinctive-looking Bengal cat that went missing in Hucknall about a month ago.Cosmo, the distinctive-looking Bengal cat that went missing in Hucknall about a month ago.
Cosmo, the distinctive-looking Bengal cat that went missing in Hucknall about a month ago. | Other 3rd Party
Mystery surrounds a spate of cats going missing in Hucknall, causing huge distress among families.

Owners suspect they are being stolen to order, and many have put up financial rewards for their return.

Among them is mum Cadia Scott, of Primrose Gardens, whose family lost their pet cat, two-year-old Cosmo, about a month ago.

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“We just want him home for Christmas,” pleaded Cadia. “He is a lovely character and is dearly missed. It is horrible when you have the feeling that he is still alive.

“He is a distinctive-looking Bengal cat and was quite expensive. Because he was the runt of the pack, he has a stumped tail and had to have a hip operation.

“But we took him in, looked after him and brought him back to full health.”

Cadia has put up posters, asking for information and offering a reward. But disturbingly, they keep getting taken down.

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On the same day that Cosmo went missing, retired publicans Brian and Elaine Ferris, of nearby Leen Valley Way, also lost their two-year-old tabby cat, Benji.

The disappearance had a tragic ending because, two weeks later, Benji, was found dead on the Robin Hood train line that runs close by.

Brian, 67, is convinced he was stolen, but escaped and was hit by a train as he tried to make his way back home.

“Cats have an amazing homing instinct,” he said. “Normally, Benji wouldn’t go near the train or tram tracks. Even though there is a fence, he would always freeze whenever a train passed.

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“When he went missing, it was totally out of character. He didn't even like to be out at night.

“He was a beautiful, extremely tame cat and very popular with our neighbours and their children. But suddenly one day, he was gone. Someone had obviously taken him. ”

Brian said a quick scan of lost and found websites, including one on Facebook, shows that lots of pet cats have gone missing in Hucknall in recent weeks.

He added: “They make interesting, but sad, reading. It is amazing. Something very strange is happening.”

Both Brian and Cadia have alerted the council and cat and animal charities. Anyone with information on Cosmo should ring Cadia on 07432 198973.