Man jailed for 16 years after carrying out gun-point rape in Nottinghamshire

Glen RoeGlen Roe
Glen Roe
A man has been jailed after being found guilty of a gun-point rape in Nottinghamshire.

Glen Roe, 45, of no fixed address, smashed his way into a house in Worksop through a ground floor window before carrying out the terrifying attack.

He pointed the handgun at the woman's head and told her from the outset that he was planning to kill her and himself after the attack, which occurred at around 4am on August 2, 2018.

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He later said he would not kill her but intended to have a shootout with the police. However, he left without discharging the gun.

Glen RoeGlen Roe
Glen Roe

The victim was terrified throughout the incident and thought the gun was real - although the police investigation later confirmed it was an imitation firearm.

Roe was arrested on August 5 2018 and was later charged with two offences of rape, a sexual assault, making threats to kill and possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear.

He denied the offences but was found guilty on all counts on Friday February 1 after a trial at Nottingham Crown Court. He was sentenced yesterday (Monday) and received 16 years in prison.

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Detective Constable Janet Percival, who investigated the case, said: "I’m very pleased with the sentence.

"This was an extremely distressing attack for the victim and she has shown a great deal of bravery throughout this trial.

"The sentencing reflects the seriousness of Roe’s crimes and I hope it can bring some comfort to the victim.”