Child abuser is sent to jail for 20 years

Andris LoginsAndris Logins
Andris Logins
A former social worker convicted of abusing children in his care in the 1980s has been sent to prison for 20 years.

Andris Imants Logins, 57, was found guilty of 17 offences, including rape, indecent assault and cruelty, committed against four children in the early 1980s.

He appeared at Nottingham Crown Court last Wednesday for sentencing.

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The trial judge, His Honour Judge Sampson, said Logins had befriended and groomed his victims and sexually abused them.

“They were available to you and powerless to do anything about it,” he told Logins.

“Your authority and their helplessness meant that they had no free choice in the matter. This was a grave breach of trust.”

The abuse took place at Beechwood Children’s Home in Mapperley.

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Speaking of the home, which closed in 2006, the judge said: “What should have been a safe haven was in fact a home from hell.”

Judge Sampson praised the victims, one of whom died before the matter came to trial, for their courage and commended the investigation by Notts Police.

The Logins case was investigated under Operation Daybreak, which was set up in 2011 to investigate allegations of abuse at childrens homes in Nottinghamshire.

After sentencing Detective Superintendent Adrian Pearson said: “Today’s sentencing of Andris Logins is a very significant moment for his victims. The past few years have not been easy for any of them as they have had to relive these harrowing and life-shaping events.”

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Logins will be eligible for parole after he has served ten years. He will be placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for life and barred from working with children.

He will also be unable to have any unsupervised contact with any child aged under 16.