Bomb hoaxer spared prison

Police tape.Police tape.
Police tape.
A hoax caller who claimed there was a bomb planted at a Nottinghamshire police station has been given a suspended sentence.

Joshua Williams (20) of Newark Close, Mansfield, said he was dared to make the 999 call from his mobile at about 10.15pm on Saturday 9th August.

Although Williams hung up before leaving his name or any details officers were able to trace him because he had phoned emergency services from the same number a few weeks previously.

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He was convicted of communicating a bomb hoax after pleading guilty at Mansfield Magistrate’s Court on Friday 22nd August 2014.

The court heard that Williams had been smoking cannabis with a friend when he had been dared to make the call.

He rang police and said: “There is a bomb in the Police Station” before hanging up.

But officers traced his number and he was arrested the following day.

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He was sentenced to eight weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months.

Police Constable Matt Sisson said hoax calls took valuable resources away from real victims of crime.

He said: “This may have started out as a joke between friends but the consequences are far from amusing. It illustrates the sort of insincere calls the force has to deal with on a daily basis.

“They waste our time and they direct us away from genuine victims of crime.”