Southwell artists open their doors for Open Studio event

A picture of Southwell Minster by David Willetts - one of the Southwell Artists who are holding the Sixth Biennial Open Studios event on Saturday and SundayA picture of Southwell Minster by David Willetts - one of the Southwell Artists who are holding the Sixth Biennial Open Studios event on Saturday and Sunday
A picture of Southwell Minster by David Willetts - one of the Southwell Artists who are holding the Sixth Biennial Open Studios event on Saturday and Sunday
In addition to the Music Festival, this weekend will also host the Southwell Artists’ Open Studios, during which the works of more than a dozen leading and established local artists will be on show.

Visitors are invited to follow a simple walking route across the town, stopping off at the studios and homes of the artists.

A wide range of visual media will be on display, featuring the work of both local artists and guest artists who live nearby or have an association with Southwell.

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The artists will be present to discuss their work and answer questions at what is the sixth biennial open studios event.

A £4 charge will be made which gives access to all the studios for the duration of the weekend, with all profits going to local learning disabilities charity REACH (formerly the Southwell Care Project).

Information about Open Studios can be found at